
Friday 23 November 2018

Summer learning Journey 2018-2019 prize

In the holidays I am doing the summer learning Journey.The are prizes for blogging about a round the wold.So we can blog about a round the wold in the holidays.If i win a bonus prize or first second third.I want a roblox gift card if I win.
 Image result for 10 dollar roblox gift card

Thursday 22 November 2018

Extreme Weather

How to wash your hands

I made a slide for the 5 year old to teach them how to wash there hands. 

How to brush your teeth

I made a slide for the 5 year old to teach them how to brush your teeth. 

Thursday 25 October 2018

Life Education- boss or leader

In Life Education we are learning about relationships and being with other people. We have done activities in the life Education bus. We did a personality test  I was a otter. We watch a video where all the people were the same I learnt it is good to be different because we have our own mine and think differently.  

Friday 28 September 2018

My art

Quality blog comment

We have been creating a slideshow to teach others how to write a Quality blog comment. The easy bit was to make the background. The hard bit was to make the blog comment. The rest was awesome.

True or fales

today we did a awesome slide.
    we did true or false questions you will see the fun awesome  questions on the slide.

Tuesday 28 August 2018

we did poem's this poem is a limerick a limericks is a poem it  has to  rime. it has five line's. 

Friday 24 August 2018

in literacy we did metamorphosis. metamorphosis is like transforming a butter fly metamorphosis is complete. it has 4 stages so its complete is its 3 stages its incomplete. that's metamorphosis.  

in maths we bean doing some activates we did bridge making.
you cold do baby maths or running maths but we did bridge making maths the hard bit was the maths the easy bit was making the bridge. 

Friday 17 August 2018

last week we read a book called Maui dolphins. after we read it we made  a doc or a drawing and make it in to a poster. so i went to do my poster  and this is my resault

Thursday 9 August 2018


In science we are learning about change change happens when we mix or combine two different reactants substances together, when this happens a chemical reaction takes place.

Thursday 2 August 2018

Chemical reaction

I am starting to learn about science and  change this is what i found out today what new information can someone tell me?

Wednesday 1 August 2018


please comment and share your knowledge about weather so i gain more information for my learning. 

Friday 15 June 2018


In Literacy I have been making new school badges .
First we had to made prototypes. Then we had to print them on to the wall. We had give feedback. We had to get that feedback. 
Then we had to go back to the badges and  i had to make the badges
with that feedback. The challenging part was to print it.
The most interesting thing was feedback.

Tuesday 12 June 2018


In math we are learning about measurement.
today we learnt about meter's. first we wrote item's in the class that we thought were about  a meter.
next . I measured then with a ruler. I then had to work out the diffidence between my guess and the actual measurement.   

Tuesday 29 May 2018

Paper Aeroplanes-Measurement

In Math I have been learning about Measurement.
I have been learning how to estimate and Measurement.
I made a paper plane. My teacher marked out a runway with a
Measurement tape first I had to estimate how for my plane would go. I estimate 2m , it actually flew
3.4m . I found hard to make the paper aeroplanes.


Monday 21 May 2018

All about me

Today in math we measure'd our body.
we did it to our foot all the up to our head.
It was awesome. the hardiest was my body.
but the rest was easy. 

Friday 11 May 2018

Truck maths

Some time ago we had a look at Nici's dad's truck this is the math

Using the information we found from danny about his truck, create a blog post showing the maths you can do with the numbers we recorded. There is 36 wheels if you have all the trailers on if you removed 4 trailers
You would have 12 what if you have 12 trailers
Answer 72  
Working out twelve so

FACTS: there are 18 gears in danny's truck! Thats alot more than a car!
Trucks haves 36! Wheel’s

The speed limit is 90 for trucks

The kg of a truck is 50,000!!!

Tuesday 27 March 2018

how many cubes?

in math we have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
we used multilnk cubes to make buildings. we then made our own buildings. we can you work out how many Cubes I used?

Monday 26 March 2018

Bunyip in the billabong

Bunyip in the billabong
Bunyip  go away we can find you a slimy smelly gooey house
We don't want you to stay in the billabong there is so much bigger billabong
We can put you in the bun yip land where there is the slimiest fish ever and other bun yip's we can show you where it is.

there is the slimiest fish ever and other bunyip’s we can show you where it is.

Thursday 22 March 2018

in coding we got to lean how to move your spritz in scratch

Thursday 15 March 2018


we have being playing coding on scratch this is my game i made.
it was awesome.

Friday 9 March 2018

Moon facts

we are larding about Maui dolphin's we had to make a google
pitcher about Maui dolphin's 

Friday 2 March 2018

being responsible with Chromebook

in cyber smart I have been learning about being responsible with Chromebook first we put our prior knowledge on a pallet.then we budded up and created a (poster or info graphic) about being responsible with Chromebooks I found it hard to do the last word. I found it easy to to the pitcher.