
Thursday 30 May 2019

Straw rafts

In inquiry we are learning about The Design process.

The design process where you plan, design and test a product or theory. Something when you test it ,it doesn't work and you have to start at the beginning again to see how you would make it better. Mrs Mcg gave us a challenge. We had to plan, design + build a straw raft to Our raft failed a lot of times  because i think we put to much weight on it We did some research about how rafts float and found that we just put less weight on our rafts. It was challenging because when we build it it keep falling apart.


  1. why kid why why why why why why no joke just why that photo!?

  2. i know it your hair line boiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  3. Hey Kristian I love this post because you guys were working so hard and it looked so intense. This reminds me of when I was making my straw raft it was so hard. Maybe you can check your spelling for your blurb before you published your post. Bye Kristian! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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